Get to Know Ashley Lahners

April 10, 2024
Photo of Ashley Lahners

This month, our “get to know” introduces you to another one of the IPL team members who helps make our service the best in the industry.  This month, we sit down and talk to Ashley Lahners.

Read on to learn more about Ashley, how she came to IPL, what she wishes more people knew about PPLI and, of course, what she’s watching on TV these days.

What is your role with Investors Preferred?

New Business Coordinator.

Where did you grow up and go to school?

I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska (GO BIG RED!) and graduated from Doane University with a bachelor’s degree in operations management.  My dad was a Captain of the Sheriff’s office for Lancaster County and when he retired, my Mom and Dad moved to Hebron, NE.  My brother and I helped fence (using a hand post hole digger) the perimeter of 160 acres!  Even though I didn’t grow up on the farm, my Dad made sure to include that in our life experience.  I personally prefer to shovel the sun, so I’ve been in Gilbert AZ for three years now.

What led you to a career in financial services and how did you find your way to Investors Preferred?

I started my career in property and casualty insurance covering Nebraska and the Dakotas.  Back then we were still using rate manuals to figure premiums…and I’m really not that old!

I took time off to raise my 3 kids and when I re-entered the workforce, I started in life insurance.  While Covid was a challenging time, it opened the world of remote work, allowing me to relocate to Arizona.

I was working remotely for Brickstone Technologies (my brother’s company) and was thinking about getting back into an office and insurance again.  I couldn’t sleep and decided to look online.  The first job that popped up was Investor’s Preferred and I thought “this sounds interesting”!  I feel so fortunate to have not only found a great company to work for, but also for the great people who work here.

What do you find interesting about PPLI?

That nothing is ever the same!  No client or case is alike, and I find that very fascinating.

What do you wish more people understood about PPLI?

That it’s not complex.  People assume it is or believe peoples negative comments about PPLI who don’t understand it.  Anthony (Stanek, the IPL Senior Managing Director, Business Development and Marketing) does a really great job explaining it – just ask him!

Why should a prospective policyholder work with IPL?

Everyone at IPL is accessible.  We are not a big box store where you must wait 24-48 hours to get a response.  If you call me, I answer.  If you email me, I email back within the hour.  If I don’t know the answer to your question, I know who does and will get it for you quickly. People trust us with their family, estate, trust, wealth planning and that is important.  What is important to you, is important to me.

Photo collage of Ashley Lahners in various settings
What are the Top Three television series that you are currently watching?
  • Suits – Where is my Harvey Spector?? LOL
  • Below Deck  - reruns
  • The Cleaning Lady – up on my list right after Suits!

Please reach out anytime.

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