IPL Celebrates 10 Years!

October 18, 2023
IPL Celebrates 10 Years!

That's right, this fall we arecelebrating 10 years of providing private placement solutions for wealthpreservation planning.  To celebrate, we asked our team (pastand present) to answer two questions:  

1.  In your opinion, what has been the highlight of IPL's first decade?
2.  Now looking ahead, where do you see IPL heading in the next 10 years?

Below, you can read the answers and enjoy some photos from our recent team anniversary party (the first of many planned celebrations around this milestone).

Photo of IPL staff celebrating 10 year anniversary

Alan Jahde, Founder and Chairman of the Board
My highlights of IPL on its 10th anniversary are attainment of an A- AM Best rating, crossing over 1.0 Billion of AUM, and the remarkable skills, talents, and efforts of the IPL Team.

Ashley Lahners, New Business Coordinator
Being newer to IPL I feel I was hired during exciting groundbreaking times and I couldn’t be more privileged to be a part of it!  I see Investors Preferred growing to be the elite cream of the crop in Private Placement Life Insurance and will be well known for integrity and its top-notch customer service.  

When I was hired, I was I told “the good news is you have a seat at the table……the bad news is you have a seat at the table.”  I plan to dig in and get comfortable in my seat and help grow IPL to all I know it can be.  I believe Nikki and Anthony are going to take IPL to new heights and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of the journey!

Photo of IPL staff celebrating 10 year anniversary

John Rios, Accounting Manager
In my opinion I will have to say that one of IPL’s highlights was being able to reach $1Billion in assets under management in the first 10 years.  Looking ahead, in the next 10 years hopefully that number will be around $5Billion or larger.

Rishabh Mohta, Associate Actuarial Analyst
10-year highlights:  In 2013, IPL was just a thought but 10 years down the line, it is a respected and a recognized name in the private placement industry in the country due to everyone’s hard work and dedication with AUM over $1.2BN. A team that worked together, grew together.

Next 10 years: The next decade in IPL’s history will be IPL becoming leaders in the Private Placement industry in the country because of our current trajectory and the white glove treatment we provide to our clients.

Photo of IPL staff celebrating 10 year anniversary

Tommy Mayes, Board of Directors Member
It is often said that overnight successes are TEN years in the making.  While IPL is not an overnight success, some in the marketplace might observe that the 10th year was a breakout year for the firm. Having been involved with IPL in a variety of capacities for almost nine years, the highlight for me has been working with Alan, Nikki, the team and the Board to develop what was a relatively tiny company into the dynamic and fast-growing firm it is today.  And with an A- AM Best rating no less!

Ten years from now, I expect IPL will continue its current growth trend, capturing ever higher market share both through organic growth and strategic expansion in terms of our product offerings and market profile.  I would be disappointed if our policy assets are less than $5B.

Sondra Schmidt, Client Service and Policy Administrator
In the short time that I've been here, I've never worked with a group of people that care more about the work they do and the clients they work with.  

In the next ten years I can only see exciting opportunities for IPL as we expand, grow, and have the privilege of working with all of our wonderful clients and business partners.

Photo of IPL staff celebrating 10 year anniversary

Byron Allen, IPL Board of Directors
I love how the founders of IPL recognized there was a great need in the private placement life insurance market and have worked incredibly hard to meet that need.  And wow, how they have succeeded!  To exceed $1 billion in assets within the company’s first ten years is just the beginning.  Alan Jahde is particularly talented at designing policies that are uniquely effective at maximizing the policy’s value.  As a board member, I am particularly excited about what the IPL  team is doing to educate people about the benefits of PPLI.  As impressive as their first decade was, I’m confident their second decade will blow it away!

David Nilsen, Operations Lead
The average time it takes an insurance company to make a profit is around 10 years, and IPL did so in 5.

Please reach out anytime.

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