Life Insurance Sales Surged in 2020, with Investors Preferred In Top 5

March 22, 2021
Photo of Tommy Mayes

By Tommy Mayes

Life Annuity Specialist’s early look at 2020 data from the life insurance industry puts Investors Preferred among the top 5 firms for largest sales gains.

Seven companies, including Investors Preferred, leaped more than 50%.

"We're pleased to see our firm included in this ranking, but what's even more gratifying is knowing how we got there," said Founder and CEO Alan Jahde. "We have always been intentional about being an exceptional partner to advisors and offering unparalleled service. Our productivity is a result of our team putting our referring advisors' clients first and being a trustworthy partner."

The report looks at companies that had at least $25 million in sales of individual life insurance and was calculated by adding together first-year and single-premium totals. The data will be rounded out as additional companies submit their year-end statutory filings for 2020.

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